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Save Energy with Polyurethane Foam from BC Spray Foam & Insulation Systems in Okanagan, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island

At BC Spray Foam & Insulation Systems, we are committed to giving you quality service that is worth every penny, and we believe that completing the job effectively is more important than your money. You can also count on safe and accident-free service backed by years of hands-on experience. Our team provides timely and efficient service and is committed to doing the job right the first time.

small house



We serve clients throughout the Okanagan, Lower Mainland and Vancover Island. Many of them are homeowners or companies looking for polyurethane foam insulation options that will save them energy. Our residential, commercial, and industrial services include:


  • Fireproofing
  • Foam insulation
  • Thermal spray upgrades
  • Pipeline (breakers, rockguards, weld joints)

Batt Insulation


We also provide batt insulation and attic extractions. We can professionally install this in your home or commercial building.


If you have any questions about our services, or if you’d like to request a quote, call us today!

Insulating Your Building

Our polyurethane foam spray is safe for houses and commercial buildings.

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